Thursday, October 15, 2015

OpenStack : Install Kilo on Fedora 22 : Networking Service : Create initial networks : External network

External network

The external network typically provides Internet access for your instances. By default, this network only allows Internet access from instances using Network Address Translation (NAT). You can enable Internet access to individual instances using a floating IP address and suitable security group rules. The admin tenant owns this network because it provides external network access for multiple tenants.
Perform these commands on the controller node.

To create the external network
  1. Source the admin credentials to gain access to admin-only CLI commands:
    $ source
  2. Create the network:
    $ neutron net-create ext-net --router:external \
      --provider:physical_network external --provider:network_type flat
    Created a new network:
    | Field                     | Value                                |
    | admin_state_up            | True                                 |
    | id                        | 08e02f01-fb15-46e0-8be5-0d5f0ccf7509 |
    | mtu                       | 0                                    |
    | name                      | ext-net                              |
    | provider:network_type     | flat                                 |
    | provider:physical_network | external                             |
    | provider:segmentation_id  |                                      |
    | router:external           | True                                 |
    | shared                    | False                                |
    | status                    | ACTIVE                               |
    | subnets                   |                                      |
    | tenant_id                 | 9c1cc7fa7fc24c17812ec662555ba519     |
Like a physical network, a virtual network requires a subnet assigned to it. The external network shares the same subnet and gateway associated with the physical network connected to the external interface on the network node. You should specify an exclusive slice of this subnet for router and floating IP addresses to prevent interference with other devices on the external network.

To create a subnet on the external network
  • Create the subnet:
    $ neutron subnet-create ext-net EXTERNAL_NETWORK_CIDR --name ext-subnet \
      --allocation-pool start=FLOATING_IP_START,end=FLOATING_IP_END \
      --disable-dhcp --gateway EXTERNAL_NETWORK_GATEWAY
    Replace FLOATING_IP_START and FLOATING_IP_END with the first and last IP addresses of the range that you want to allocate for floating IP addresses. Replace EXTERNAL_NETWORK_CIDR with the subnet associated with the physical network. Replace EXTERNAL_NETWORK_GATEWAY with the gateway associated with the physical network, typically the ".1" IP address. You should disable DHCP on this subnet because instances do not connect directly to the external network and floating IP addresses require manual assignment.
    For example, using with floating IP address range to
    # neutron subnet-create ext-net --name ext-subnet \
     --allocation-pool start=,end= \
     --disable-dhcp --gateway
    Created a new subnet:
    | Field             | Value                                              |
    | allocation_pools  | {"start": "", "end": ""} |
    | cidr              |                                     |
    | dns_nameservers   |                                                    |
    | enable_dhcp       | False                                              |
    | gateway_ip        |                                        |
    | host_routes       |                                                    |
    | id                | 8225834a-15cf-442e-84f2-711ef762e39b               |
    | ip_version        | 4                                                  |
    | ipv6_address_mode |                                                    |
    | ipv6_ra_mode      |                                                    |
    | name              | ext-subnet                                         |
    | network_id        | 08e02f01-fb15-46e0-8be5-0d5f0ccf7509               |
    | subnetpool_id     |                                                    |
    | tenant_id         | 9c1cc7fa7fc24c17812ec662555ba519                   |

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